How to Get ITSO Redbooks
This section explains how both customers and IBM employees can find out about ITSO redbooks, redpieces, and
CD-ROMs. A form for ordering books and CD-ROMs by fax or e-mail is also provided.
Redbooks Web Site http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/
Search for, view, download or order hardcopy/CD-ROMs redbooks from the redbooks Web site. Also read
redpieces and download additional materials (code samples or diskette/CD-ROM images) from this redbooks
Redpieces are redbooks in progress; not all redbooks become redpieces and sometimes just a few chapters
will be published this way. The intent is to get the information out much quicker than the formal publishing
process allows.
E-mail Orders
Send orders via e-mail including information from the redbook order form to:
Telephone Orders
This information was current at the time of publication, but is continually subject to change. The latest information
for customers may be found at http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/ and for IBM employees at
IBM Intranet for Employees
IBM employees may register for information on workshops, residencies, and redbooks by accessing the IBM
Intranet Web site at http://w3.itso.ibm.com/ and clicking the ITSO Mailing List button. Look in the Materials
repository for workshops, presentations, papers, and Web pages developed and written by the ITSO technical
professionals; click the Additional Materials button. Employees may also view redbook, residency and
workshop announcements at http://inews.ibm.com/.
IBMMAIL Internet
In United States: usib6fpl at ibmmail usib6fpl@ibmmail.com
In Canada: caibmbkz at ibmmail lmannix@vnet.ibm.com
Outside North America: dkibmbsh at ibmmail bookshop@dk.ibm.com
United States (toll free) 1-800-879-2755
Canada (toll free) 1-800-IBM-4YOU
Outside North America (long distance charges apply)
(+45) 4810-1320 - Danish
(+45) 4810-1420 - Dutch
(+45) 4810-1540 - English
(+45) 4810-1670 - Finnish
(+45) 4810-1220 - French
(+45) 4810-1020 - German
(+45) 4810-1620 - Italian
(+45) 4810-1270 - Norwegian
(+45) 4810-1120 - Spanish
(+45) 4810-1170 - Swedish
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