This redbook provides a foundation for understanding VSE/ESA′s support for the
IBM 9393 RAMAC Virtual Array (RVA). It covers existing support and the
recently available IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA and peer-to-peer remote copy
support for the RVA. It also covers using IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA for
The redbook is intended for use by IBM client representatives, IBM technical
specialists, IBM Business Partners, and IBM customers who are planning to
implement IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA on the RVA.
The Team That Wrote This Redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Alison Pate is a project leader in the International Technical Support
Organization, San Jose Center. She joined IBM in the UK after completing an
MSc in Information Technology. A large-systems specialist since 1990, Alison
has eight years of practical experience in using and implementing IBM DASD
solutions. She has acted as a consultant to some of the largest, leading-edge
customers in the United Kingdom—providing technical support and guidance to
their key business projects.
Guenter Rebmann is a DASD HW Support Specialist in Germany. He joined IBM
in 1983 as a Customer Engineer for large system customers. Since 1993 Guenter
has worked in the DASD-EPSG (EMEA Product Support Group) in Mainz,
Germany. His area of expertise is large system hardware products.
Dionisio Dychioco III is a Technical Support Manager in the Philippines. He has
19 years of experience in data processing, including 17 years in technical
support in the IBM mainframe environment. Dionisio has worked at the Far East
Bank & Trust Co. for 12 years. His areas of expertise include MVS, VSE, and
mainframe-PC connectivity.
Bill Worthington is a Consulting IT Technical Specialist in the United States. He
has 38 years of experience in data processing, including 34 years in technical
sales support within IBM. His areas of expertise include high-end disk storage
products as well as VSE/ESA and VM/ESA. Bill has been in his current position
supporting RAMAC DASD products since 1995.
Thanks to the following people for their invaluable contributions to this project:
Janet Anglin, Storage Systems Division, San Jose
Maria Sueli Almeida, International Technical Support Organization, San Jose
Fred Borchers, International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie
Jack Flynn, Storage Systems Division, San Jose
Bob Haimowitz, International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie
Dan Janda, Jr., Advanced Technical Support, Endicott
Teresa Leamon, Storage Systems Division, San Jose
Axel Pieper, VSE Development, Boeblingen, Germany
Hanns-Joachim Uhl, VSE Development, Boeblingen, Germany
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 vii