
dump. (1) Data that has been dumped. (T) (2) To
copy the contents of all or part of virtual storage for the
purpose of collecting error information.
EC. European community.
EIA. Electronic Industries Association.
Electronic Industries Association (EIA). An organ-
ization of electronics manufacturers that advances the
technological growth of the industry, represents the
views of its members, and develops industry standards.
EIA 232. In data communications, a specification of
the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) that defines
the interface between data terminal equipment (DTE)
and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), using
serial binary data interchange.
electrostatic discharge (ESD). An undesirable dis-
charge of static electricity that can damage equipment
and degrade electrical circuitry.
EMC. Electromagnetic compatibility.
ESD. Electrostatic discharge.
Ethernet. A 10-Mbps baseband local area network
that allows multiple stations to access the transmission
medium at will without prior coordination, avoids con-
tention by using carrier sense and deference, and
resolves contention by using collision detection and
transmission. Ethernet uses carrier sense multiple
access with collision detection (CSMA/CD).
F. Fahrenheit.
faceplate. A wall-mounted or surface-mounted plate
for connecting data and voice connectors to a cabling
FCC. Federal Communication Commission.
feature code. A code used by IBM to process hard-
ware and software orders.
field replaceable unit (FRU). An assembly that is
replaced in its entirety when any one of its components
fails. In some cases, a field replaceable unit may
contain other field replaceable units.
FRU. Field replaceable unit.
gateway. (1) A functional unit that interconnects two
computer networks with different network architectures.
A gateway connects networks or systems of different
architectures. A bridge interconnects networks or
systems with the same or similar architectures. (T)
(2) In the IBM Token-Ring Network, a device and its
associated software that connect a local area network
to another local area network or a host that uses dif-
ferent logical link protocols.
host. In the Internet suite of protocols, an end system.
The end system can be any workstation; it does not
have to be a mainframe.
IBM Disk Operating System (DOS). A disk operating
system based on MS-DOS** that operates with all
IBM-compatible personal computers.
IBM Token-Ring Network. A baseband local area
network with a ring topology that passes tokens from
Token-Ring adapter to Token-Ring adapter.
IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
integrated services digital network (ISDN). A digital
end-to-end telecommunication network that supports
multiple services including, but not limited to, voice and
Note: ISDNs are used in public and private network
interface. (1) A shared boundary between two func-
tional units, defined by functional characteristics, signal
characteristics, or other characteristics, as appropriate.
The concept includes the specification of the connection
of two devices having different functions. (T) (2) Hard-
ware, software, or both, that links systems, programs, or
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO). An organization of national standards bodies
from various countries established to promote develop-
ment of standards to facilitate international exchange of
goods and services, and develop cooperation in intellec-
tual, scientific, technological, and economic activity.
Internet Packet Exchange (IPX). The routing protocol
used to connect Novell’s servers or any workstation or
router that implements IPX with other workstations.
Although similar to TCP/IP, it uses different packet
formats and terminology. See also
Network Services (XNS).
Glossary X-3