3 The greater-than sign (>) will appear on the display.
4 Type diag and press Enter.
5 The Diagnostic Main Menu will appear after the System Diagnostics run.
While the Router User Interface Is In Operation:
To start the diagnostics while
the router user interface is in operation:
1 Press Ctnl-p. An asterisk (ᑍ) will appear.
2 Type reload and press Enter.
3 Press Ctnl-c. The greater-than sign (>) will appear on the display.
4 Type diag and press Enter.
5 The Diagnostic Main Menu will appear.
Diagnostic Main Menu:
The Diagnostic Main Menu has the following options:
System Diagnostics
tests the processor, the memory, and the communication
ports through an internal wrap.
System Extended Diagnostics
executes the System Diagnostics tests plus
external wrap tests of all ports.
WAN/LAN Wrap Menu
allows you to run a wrap test on a specific port. From
this menu you can also test the cable attached to a port. After you select this
option, additional menus will help you define the test.
Diagnostic Utilities
provides access to service aids. After you select this option,
an additional menu will allow you to choose a specific service aid. See
“Service Aids” on page 3-4 for more information.
If a diagnostic test fails, a message will be displayed giving:
A description of the test that failed
A return code
An action to take
The return code provides additional information that may be requested by the next
level of support.
When you are ready to exit from the diagnostics, type x and press Enter at the
main menu. The POST will run.
Diagnosing Software Problems
In order to diagnose software problems, you need to capture as much information
about the problem as possible and call your software support center. The software
support center will guide you through the steps needed to collect data relating to a
problem; these steps may include examination of the log, trace, and dump. Service
personnel dealing with software problems should record the symptoms of the
Chapter 3. Diagnostics 3-3