
012 (continued)
Set the terminal to the configured console baud rate displayed.
Press the service terminal break key sequence and press Enter.
This action causes the 2210 to auto-baud.
– Enter Ctrl-c.
The > prompt should be displayed. If the console baud rate is satisfactory, you can
reboot the 2210 and the terminal will work. If the console baud rate is unsatisfac-
tory and you want to change the rate:
1. Enter bc at the > prompt and select an IBD boot module.
2. Wait for the Config (only)> prompt to be displayed.
3. Enter set baudrate 0 at the Config (only)> prompt.
4. Set the terminal to the desired baud rate.
5. Press the terminal break key sequence and press Enter to force the 2210 to
auto-baud to the new terminal speed.
Note: When using a terminal emulator, you might have to stop and restart the
emulator when switching speeds for the emulator to display correctly.
Continue at Step 013.
The terminal should now operate correctly and the new terminal speed has been
Is the terminal functioning correctly?
Yes No
Go to Step 016
Go to Step 027 on page 2-20
Is the terminal or the IBM 2210 grounded correctly?
Yes No
Ground the device correctly. Go to “MAP 0210: Verify Operation” on
page 2-23.
(Step 018 continues)
Chapter 2. Problem Determination 2-19