102 Océ TDS400 User Manual
Océ Settings Editor
The Océ Settings Editor is one of the controller applications for the Océ
TDS400. The Océ Settings Editor allows users and operators to view settings
of the system. If authorised, the settings of the system can be modified on the
Océ Settings Editor.
With the Océ Settings Editor two groups of settings can be configured:
■ Key Operator settings (KO settings)
The Key Operator group allows authorised users to configure default settings
for copy and print jobs, default off-line fold settings and scan-to-file options.
With the Key Operator settings also the printer, system and scanner defaults
can be set or modified. A subset of the Key Operator settings are the Repro
Operator settings. The Repro Operator has no rights to change settings in the
Océ Settings Editor. In the Océ Queue Manager and the Océ System Control
Panel the repro operator has the same user rights as the Key Operator and
System Administrator. See ‘User modes’ on page 137.
■ System Administrator settings (SA settings)
The System Administrator group allows authorised users to configure default
printer language (PDL) settings and printer pen settings. It also allows the
System Administrator to configure system and connectivity settings.
These groups of settings can be selected from the ‘View’ menu of the Océ
Settings Editor.
Setting dependencies The Océ Settings Editor is used to display and edit a
specified group of settings. Some settings are related to other settings,
however. If you want to change settings which have dependencies with other
settings you will be prompted with a message. When a setting is changed, the
system automatically updates the related settings.
Also, when you change certain settings, such as measurement unit or paper
series, all related settings are instantaneously converted to the new setting
(with a bullet for the settings that are changed).