Océ Power Logic®: The Settings Editor 109
▼ Start Océ Settings Editor on a remote workstation
You must first install Océ Remote Logic® as described (see
‘Installation procedure for MS Windows® systems’ on page 131).
1 Select 'Océ Remote Logic®' via the 'Start' menu.
2 Select the 'Launcher' application.
3 Select Océ Settings Editor. Océ Settings Editor starts.
How to perform actions from the Océ Settings Editor
You can perform a number of activities from the Océ Settings Editor. These
activities include:
■ Save settings to file
■ Load settings from a file
Save and load settings All Key Operator and System Administrator settings
can be saved in a file or loaded from a file. This way you can have different
settings for different customers, departments or other situations.
Note: These settings can only be saved in Key Operator or System
Administrator mode.
▼ Save settings to file
Open the ‘File’ menu and select ‘Save as’.
You now have two possibilities:
■ If the client is a local client, a dialog is displayed and the user can supply a
file name. The file is saved in a predefined directory on the system.
■ If the client is a remote client, a dialog box is displayed and the user can
supply a directory and a file name.
Note: All settings in the current view mode are saved; not only the ones that
are currently visible.
A few special files are available here:
■ Default.kos/Default.sas
These files contain the factory default settings for the Key Operator and
System Administrator, respectively, and can not be changed.
■ Backup.kos/Backup.sas
These files contain a previous version of the settings for the Key Operator
and System Administrator, respectively (before the last Apply).
■ Current.kos/Current.sas
These files contain the version of the settings for the Key Operator and
System Administrator after the last Apply.