210 Océ TDS400 User Manual
Océ Power Logic® Controller
Platform Océ Controller with embedded Windows® XP
Memory 128 MByte RAM standard, expendable to 256 MByte
Disk space High-speed hard disk dedicated to file spooling, and a
high-speed hard disk dedicated to set memory offering
135 A0 storage capacity
File formats HPGL, HPGL2, HPRTL, TIFF 6.0, CALS type 1, NIRS,
EDMICS (C4), CalComp 906/907/951, ASCII, Adobe®
PostScript® 3™
Interfaces Standard: Ethernet 10/100 Mbits/s with RJ45
Optional: Ethernet 10 Mbits/s with BNC and SubD; To-
kenRing 4/16 Mbits/s; Centronics
Network protocols TCP/IP, Novell (IPX, SPX), FTP, LPD
Cabinet An option to store the controller
User Interface GUI with a monitor, keyboard and mouse to use the ap-
plications on the controller
Adobe® Postscript®
3™ / PDF
Enables you to print the Postscript® level 3™ files and
Portable Document Files (PDF), optional.
Print Exec® WorkgroupOptional software which allows you to create and send a
set of plots or drawing files to an Océ TDS printer. You
can send the settings for these jobs from your worksta-
tion, using your web browser.
Account logging An optional feature that enables you to track how many
jobsyou make for acustomer. This chapterdescribes how
you use the accounting functionality for this purpose.
Functionality Multiple prints: up to 999
Automatic Language Sensing (ALS)
Auto roll selection and switching
Plot manipulation: rotation, auto scaling
File spooling on the controller
Set memory: send once, process once, print many; capac-
ity to store up to 135 A0s and create identical sets sorted
by page or by set
Concurrent receiving / processing / printing of digital