536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual 19
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
Note: See the relevant sections in the 536EX Developer’s Manual for full command description and
parameter ranges.
a. For Data mode, the factory default setting is AT+MS=V92, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 to send at speeds of 33,600 bps or
below and receive at speeds of 53,333 bps and below.
Table 6. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary
Note Command Function Default Range
by &Vn
* %An Set auto-reliable fallback character 13 0–127 yes
* %Cn MNP 5 data compression control 1 0, 1 yes
%C0 No compression
%C1 Enables MNP5 data compression
* \An MNP block size 3 0–3yes
\A0 Maximum 64 characters
\A1 Maximum 128 characters
\A2 Maximum 192 characters
\A3 Maximum 256 characters
\Bn Set transmit break 3 0–9
* \Cn Set auto-reliable buffer 0 0–2yes
\C0 No data buffering
Four-second buffer until 200 characters in the buffer or
detection of a SYN character
No buffering. Connects non-V.42 modems to V.42
* \Gn Set modem port flow control 0 0, 1 yes
\G0 Disables port flow control
\G1 Sets port flow control to XON/XOFF
* \Jn bps rate adjust control 0 0, 1 yes
\J0 Disables rate adjust
\J1 Enables rate adjust
\Kn Set break control 5 0–5no
connect state, transmits
Enters command mode,
no break sent
command state, transmits
connect state, receives
connect state, transmits
Destructive/expeditedcommand state, transmits
connect state, receives
* Value saved in NVRAM.