44 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
Yn 0
Long Space Disconnect: This command determines whether the modem disconnects after receiving
1.6 seconds of silence and whether the modem sends a period of silence to the remote modem before
n = 0* Disables long space disconnect
n = 1 Enables long space disconnect. The modem disconnects after receiving 1.6 seconds of
silence from the remote modem. Additionally, after receiving an ATH0 command, the
modem sends at least 4 seconds of silence before hanging up.
Zn 0
Reset Modem/Recall Stored Profile: This command causes the modem to go on-hook (hang-up),
perform a warm reset, and load user-configuration profile ‘n’ (previously stored in the NVRAM) into the
active profile. The Zn command must be the last command in command string, as it causes all
subsequent commands to be ignored.
n = 0* Resets the modem and recalls user profile 0
n = 1 Resets the modem and recalls user profile 1
&Cn 1
DCD (Data Carrier Detect) Option: This command controls how the modem functions in relation to the
DCD or RLSD signal.
n = 0 State of carrier from remote modem is ignored. DCD is always on.
n = 1* State of carrier from remote modem is tracked. DCD reflects the state of the received
&Dn 2
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) Option: This command controls how the modem responds to DTR. After
toggling DTR, the host should wait 200 ms before modifying the UART registers or sending a new
command to the modem. This is done because the modem does not send an ‘OK’ message to indicate it
has performed the requested function.
n = 0 In asynchronous mode (&Q0), the modem ignores DTR.
n = 1 The modem switches from data mode to command mode when an on-to-off transition of
DTR occurs.
n = 2* An on-to-off transition of DTR causes the modem to go on-hook (hang up). While DTR is
off, auto-answer is disabled.
n = 3 An on-to-off transition of DTR re-initializes the modem. The re-initialize procedure performs
the same function as a power-up reset, except that the UART registers are not
&F none
Load Factory Defaults: This command loads command defaults and S-register factory defaults into the
active configuration and configures the modem for data mode.
&Gn 0
Guard Tone Option: This command controls whether the modem sends out guard tones while
connected to a remote modem (for ITU-T V.22 bis [1200 bps] and V.22 bis [2400 bps] connections only).
Guard tones may be required in some countries but are not needed in the United States. Guard tones are
sent by the answer modem to disable Central Office echo cancelers.
n = 0* Guard tone disabled
n = 1 550 Hz guard tone enabled
n = 2 1800 Hz guard tone enabled
&Kn 3
Select Serial Port Flow Control: This command specifies the DTE-to-modem flow control. Software
flow control uses the characters XOFF (13h) and XON (11h) to stop and start data transmission,
respectively, both to and from the DTE. Bidirectional hardware flow control uses RTS/CTS to stop and
start data from the modem.
n = 0 Disables flow control
n = 3* Bidirectional hardware flow control—RTS/CTS
n = 4 XON/XOFF software flow control
Table 18. Data Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)
Command Default Description
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.