
536EX Chipset Developers Manual 95
Intel Confidential
Parallel Host Interface 16C450/16C550A UART
9.2 UART Register Definitions
9.2.1 Scratch Register (SCR)
This is an 8-bit read/write register used by the DTE for temporary storage of data.
9.2.2 Modem Status Register (MSR)
This register provides four bits (bits 7:4) that show current modem state and four bits (bits 3:0) that
provide modem change information. Bits 3:0 are set to 1 whenever the control information
changes state. These bits are reset to 0 whenever the DTE reads the MSR register. If the modem
status interrupt is enabled (IER3), the modem generates an interrupt on the
µP HINT pin whenever
MSR bits 3:0 are set to 1.
Figure 14. Scratch Register (SCR)
Register 7
Figure 15. Modem Status Register (MSR)
Register 6
Bit 7
Data Carrier Detect (DCD)When this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the remote modem data carrier has been detected
(refer to the &C command).
Bit 6 Ring Indicate (RI)This bit indicates when a ring signal has been detected.
Bit 5
Data Set Ready (DSR)This bit indicates when the modem is ready to establish a communication link.
When entering voice mode, DSR is set to 1. DSR is used for voice playback/record DMA mode to indicate when the DTE
has not responded to a modem DMA data transfer request. DSR is set to 1 when DMA data are being transferred; DSR is
set to 0 when a new DMA transfer has not occurred with 1.7 ms after the previous DMA transfer. DSR works similarly to a
DMA terminal count.
Bit 4 Clear To Send (CTS)When this bit is set to 1, it indicates to the DTE that the modem is ready to receive data.
Bit 3
Delta Data Carrier Detect (DDCDD)When this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the DCD bit has changed its value since
the DTE last read the MSR register.
Bit 2 Trailing Edge of Ring Indicator (TERI)This bit is set to 1 after the RI signal goes from a high to low state.
Bit 1
Delta Data Set Ready (DDSR)When this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the DSR bit has changed its value since the
DTE last read the MSR register.
Bit 0
Delta Clear to Send (DCTS)When this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the CTS bit has changed its value since the DTE
last read the MSR register.