solids, should nor be placed in the appliance until
all traces of these flammable liquids or solids and
their fumes have been removed. There are many
highly flammable items used in homes, such as:
acetone, denatured alcohol, gasoline kerosene, oil,
1. Read all instructions before using the appliance, chemical solvents, some liquid household clean-
Retain all instructions for future use. ers, some spot removers, turpentine, waxes and
wax removers.
2. Installation-Install and locate this appliance accord-
ing to the Installation Instructions. b. Do not add gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or
other flammable or explosive substances to the
a. This appliance must be properly grounded. Never wash water. These substances give off vapors that
plug the appliance electric cord into a receptacle could ignite or explode.
which has not been grounded adequately and in
accordance with local and national codes, c. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. Under certain
conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a
b. This appliance must be connected to a properly hot water system that has not been used for 2
rated, protected, and sized power supply circuit, weeks or more. If the hot water system has not
c. Do not install or store this appliance where it will been used for such a period, before using a wash-
be exposed to temperatures below freezing or ing machine or combination washer-dryer, turn
exposed to the weather, on all hot water faucets and let the water flow
d. This appliance must be connected to adequate from each for several minutes. This will release
plumbing and drain facilities, any accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas is
3. If someone should get an electrical shock from the flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame
appliance, disconnect the electrical power. DO NOT during this time.
OPERATE until it has been repaired by an authorized d. Do not use heat to dry articles containing foam
Jenn-Air Service Contractor. rubber (may be labeled latex foam), plastics or
similarly textured rubber like materials. Foam
4. To prevent injury to children: rubber materials when heated, can under certain
a. Do not allow children to pay on, in, or with the circumstances produce fire by spontaneous corn-
appliance. Close supervision of children is neces- bustion.
sary when using the appliance, e.
b. Keep all laundry aids out of reach of children
preferably in a locked cabinet. Use laundry aids
only as directed by the manufacturer and observe
all warnings on the container labels.
c. Destroy the carton and plastic bags after unpack-
ing the appliance. Cartons covered with rugs, bed-
spreads, or plastic sheets can create a chamber
with inadequate ventilation.
d. Remove the door to the washing and drying com-
partment before the appliance is removed from f. Keep area around and underneath the appliance
free from the accumulation of combustible materi-
service or discarded, als such as lint, paper, rags, gasoline, and all other
5. flammable vapors and liquids.
g. Do not allow storage of any material to obstruct
a. Do not wash or dry articles that have been previ- the ventilation air opening of the dryer.
ously cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted h. To prevent extended drying time and risk of fire.
with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, other flam- CLEAN LINT SCREEN BEFORE EACH LOAD.
mable or explosive substances as they give off
vapors that could ignite or explode. Any material i. The interior of the dryer and the exhaust duct
on which you have used a cleaning solvent, or should cleaned periodically by a qualified service
which is saturated with flammable liquids or