The washer lid lifts up and down to open and close. You may use liquid or granular laundry detergent.
Internal springs will hold the lid in the open position Add a measured amount before loading.
until pulled down to close. Read and follow the manufacturer's recommenda-
tions for using the correct amount. Most instructions
are for washing an "average" load. If the degree of
soil is heavier than average or the water is harder
than 6 grains per gallon, more detergent should be
Wipe up any spills of liquid laundry detergent on the
Do not add detergent to the fabric softener cup.
2. ADD BLEACH, if needed
Undiluted liquid chlorine bleach may be added to the
bleach dispenser as shown. Carefully measure the
amount of bleach recommended on label of bleach
bottle for the following number of gallons of water:
SMALL - 11 gallons (9 Imperial gallons; 42 liters);
MEDIUM - 13 gallons (11 Imperial gallons; 49 liters);
LARGE - 16 gallons (13 Imperial gallons; 61 liters).
Properly diluted bleach will be added automatically
to the wash water, 4. PLACE CLOTHES IN WASHER
NOTE: Be careful whenever you use liquid chlorine Put dry, unfolded clothes loosely in the tub, up to the
bleach. Do not pour directly on fabrics. Wipe top row of holes for a maximum load. Do not pack or
up spills with a paper towel, wrap items around the agitator. Be sure to empty all
Oxygen bleach may be added by following the pockets and mend any holes or tears. An overlooked
instructions on the package. Do not put powdered pen, crayon, lipstick, eraser, knife, nail, or other sim-
bleach or detergent in the bleach dispenser, ilar objects being left in a pocket may result in per-
NOTE: All bleaches, whether liquid or granular, are manent damage to the wash load.
powerful chemicals and can cause fabric
damage such as tears or color loss if not
used properly.