5. ADD FABRIC SOFTENER, if desired
Add the recommended amount to the cup in top of
the agitator. The cup may be lifted out for easy filling.
Add water to bring liquid level just below openings
at the rim of the cup. Diluted fabric softener will
automatically be added to the final rinse. (Always
dilute fabric softener with warm water.)
When using fabric softener, do not interrupt the spin
following wash because the softener will go into the
washbasket at the wrong time.
Periodically clean the cup with hot water and a soft
brush or cloth.
6. Close the lid and you are ready to set the controls.
Water level is selected by turning the load size selec- HOT--Wash water will be the temperature of the
for knob to the Small, Medium, or Large setting, water coming from the hot water faucet. Rinse water
Remember, for best washing results, clothes must cir- will be cold. Use this setting for heavily soiled whites
culate freely. If too little water is used, poor cleaning, and colorfast items. The water heater should be set to
linting and excessive wear may result, a minimum of 120°F, with hotter water temps up to
140°F for best results.
SMALL--Use this setting when tub is less than 1/2
full of clothes. Tub fills with 11 gallons (9 Imperial WARM--Wash water will be a mixture of water com-
gallons; 42 liters), ing from the hot and cold water faucets. Rinse water
MEDIUM--Use this setting when tub is from 1/2 to will be cold. Use this setting for delicates, colored
3/4 full of clothes. Tub fills with 13 gallons (11 items or permanent press garments with light to
Imperial gallons; 49 liters), moderate soil.
LARGE--Use this setting when tub is from 3/4 to COLD--Wash and rinse water will be the tempera-
full of clothes. Tub fills with 16 gallons (13 Imperial ture of the water coming from the cold water faucet.
gallons; 61 liters). Use this setting to minimize fading of brightly col-
NOTE: When laundering permanent press items, ored items and shrinking of washable woolens.
delicates, washable woolens or loosely knit NOTE: Water below 65°F is too cold to dissolve and
items, never use less than the MEDIUM set- activate granular detergents.
ring. This will minimize shrinkage, wrin-
kling and pulling of seams.