PY80265,05GO869 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Measuring Wheel Slip—Manually
M47166 –UN–31JAN92
1. Place a mark (A) on a rear tyre which is easily
observed (a chalk mark is recommended).
2. With tractor working and implement lowered, mark a
starting point (B) on the ground at the place where the
tyre mark (A) meets the ground.
3. Mark the ground again where the tyre mark (A)
completes 10 full revolutions (C).
4. With implement raised return in the opposite direction.
At the second mark on the ground (C) remark the tyre
5. While driving the tractor along the same path
(implement raised), count the tyre revolutions required
to reach the starting point (B).
6. Use the return tyre revolutions count and “Wheel
Slippage Chart” to determine slippage. 10—15 percent
is ideal.
7. Adjust ballast or load to give correct slippage.
NOTE: Available horsepower is greatly reduced when
wheel slip drops below 10 percent.
Non-Loaded Wheel Estimated % Recommended Action
Revolutions (Step 5) Slip
10 0 Remove Ballast
9-1/2 5 Remove Ballast
9 10 Proper Ballast
8-1/2 15 Proper Ballast
8 20 Add Ballast
7-1/2 25 Add Ballast
7 30 Add Ballast