Fuels, Lubricants and Coolant
PY80265,05GO897 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Fuel Storage
Buy good quality, clean fuel from a reputable supplier.
Proper fuel storage is critically important. Use clean
storage and transfer tanks. Periodically drain water
and sediment from bottom.
Avoid storing fuel over long periods of time.
Store fuel in a convenient place away from buildings.
PY80265,05GO898 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Diesel Fuel
Fuel sulphur content should be less than 1.0 percent
preferably less than 0.5 percent. Diesel fuel having
sulphur content higher than 1.0 percent may cause
increase wear on metal engine parts because of acids
produced by sulphur during combustion.
IMPORTANT: If fuel sulphur content exceeds 0.7
percent, the engine oil drain interval
must be reduced by 50 percent to
125 hours.
Cetane number should be no less than 40 to assure
satisfactory starting and overall performance.
Fitleration of fuel is critical for proper operation of
engine. Use genuine MICO fuel filters. Alwasy change
fuel filter insert at given interval
PY80265,05GO899 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Diesel Fuel Filters
PY4145 –UN–26AUG04
Fitleration of fuel is critical for proper operation of engine.
Use genuine MICO fuel filters. Alwasy change fuel filter
inserts (primary and seconary)at given interval