Fuels, Lubricants and Coolant
DX,COOL3 –19–27OCT05–2/2
Water quality is important to the performance of the
cooling system. Distilled, deionized, or demineralized
water is recommended for mixing with ethylene glycol
and propylene glycol base engine coolant concentrate.
IMPORTANT: Do not use cooling system sealing
additives or antifreeze that contains
sealing additives.
IMPORTANT: Do not mix ethylene glycol and
propylene glycol base coolants.
PY80265,05GO905 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Use Correct Transmission-Hydraulic Filter
To protect systems, replace transmission-hydraulic oil filter
with a John Deere service filter element. Minimum and
maximum performance specifications are printed on John
Deere filters. Other filters may be used if they meet these
performance specifications.
See Lubrication and Maintenance section for
recommended filter change intervals.
PY80265,05GO906 –19–20JUN06–1/1
Transmission and Hydraulic Oil
PY5827 –UN–20JUN06
Same oil is used for transmission and hydraulic. Use
transmission-hydraulic oil. This oil is available
in pack of 1 litre and 20 litre at John Deere Dealership
HY-GARD is a trademark of Deere & Company