Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Timeout of Auto Return
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_return.timeout
Example of response camera.motion.auto_return.timeout=60&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire timeout of Auto Return in seconds.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Timeout of Auto Return
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_return.timeout=data
Example of Response camera.motion.auto_return.timeout&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change timeout of Auto Return in seconds. Specify 60, 120, 180, 300, 600, 1200, 1800 or 3600.
The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Auto Return Status
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_return.status
Example of response camera.motion.auto_return.status=on&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire status of Auto Return. "on" or "off" will be returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Auto Return Status
Format /api/param?camera.motion.auto_return.status=data
Example of Response camera.motion.auto_return.status&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change status of Auto Return. Specify "on" or "off" to change the status. Specify "start" or "stop"
for manual operation. "on" or "off" is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting
is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Speed of Going to Preset Position
Format /api/param?camera.motion.position.speed
Example of response camera.motion.position.speed=100&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire speed of going to preset position. Value from 0 to 100 is returned. 100 is fastest. The
speed is 4 steps internally. The speed is applied also to preset position of auto patrol.
Allowed users admin, operator, user