200 OK,count=1&t_size=7731371<CRLF>
Interpretation Acquire total number of files and file size. Specify start time and end time, then CHUNKED HTTP
response will be returned. The value of count is total number of files. The value of t_size is file size.
Allowed users admin, operator
Exporting SD Card Data as a File
Example of response
200 OK,(0)<CRLF>
200 OK,(Completed)<CRLF>
40<CRLF> Size of main header
Data structure of header1
Item Size Example Note
Revision 24 revision=0x0100 Revision of file format
Total number of files 16 count=2 Total number of files
Total size of files 24 t_size=12052495 Total size of files
38<CRLF> Header size of file2
Data structure of header1
Item Size Example Note
Size 16 size=7731251 Size of file1
Header of file1
File name 40 name-ckst0000 Name of file1
38<CRLF> Header size of file2
Data structure of header2
Item Size Example Note
Size 16 size=4321244 Size of file2
Header of file2
File name 40 name-ckst0001 Name of file2
C800<CRLF> Data(1) size of file1
data(1) of file1 (50 kB)