Interpretation Acquire the current default gateway. Specify ipv4 or ipv6.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Default Gateway
Format /api/param?network.gateway(ipv4)=data
Example /api/param?network.gateway(ipv4)=
Example of Response network.gateway&200 OK
Interpretation Change the default gateway. To set static default gateway, disable DHCP. Default gateway can
not be changed when DHCP is enabled. Specify IP address in same segment with the camera. Specify to
delete default gateway setting. Default gateway of IPv6 can not be set.
Allowed user admin
Getting Host Name
Format /api/param?network.hostname
Example of Response network.hostname=localhost&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the current host name.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Host Name
Format /api/param?network.hostname=data
Example /api/param?network.hostname=somename
Example of Response network.hostname&200 OK
Interpretation Change the host name. Characters that may be used for the host name are alphanumerics,
hyphens (-) and period. Maximum size is 63 bytes.
Specify as %00 when the host name setting is to be left blank.
Example when leaving field blank /api/param?network.hostname=%00
Allowed user admin
Getting DNS Server On/Off Status
Format /api/param?network.dns.status
Example of Response network.dns.status=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the on/off status of the DNS server. Either on or off will be returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting DNS Server Status to On/Off, or Validate Changes
Format /api/param?network.dns.status=data