Front Final Gear Case
The tooth contact patterns of both (drive and coast) sides
should be centrally located between the top and bottom
of the tooth. The drive pattern can be a little closer to the
toe and the coast pattern can be a somewhat longer and
closer to the toe.
If the tooth contact pattern is incorrect, replace the ring
gear shim(s), following the examples shown.
Then erase the tooth contact patterns and check them
again. Also check the backlash every time the shim(s)
are replaced. Repeat the shim change procedure as nec-
If the backlash is out of the standard r ange after
changing the ring gear shim(s), change the pinion gear
shim(s) to correct the backlash before checking the
tooth contact pattern.
Bevel Gear Inspection
Visually check the bevel gears [A] for scoring, chipping,
or other damage.
Replace the bevel gears as a set if either gear is dam-
Differential Gear Inspection
Visually check the differential gears [A] for scoring, chip-
ping, or other damage.
Replace the differential gears as a set if either gear is
Also, inspect the differential gear shaft [B], gear case [C],
and cover [D] where the differential gears rub.
If they are scored, discolored, or otherwise damaged, re-
place them as a set.