
Connecting a voltmeter in series with the Bi-Metal as shown in Figure 48 will permit a quick check of the circuit
If the circuit is good, tine voltage will be indicated when the timer is advanced to the Detergent Dispenser Inclement
with th'e dishwasher connected to a power source_ The Bi-Metal will not heat with the voltmeter connected, due to
the high resistance of tile meten
Failure of the Bi-Metal to operate can usually be traced to a poor connection, faulty contact or an open iead The
Bi-Metal itself is a highly reliable component, If the circuitry is found to be satisfactory, the latching surfaces of
the cam and trigger should be checked for roughness,
CAUTION: Do not apply line voltage across the Bi.,Metal, as this would destroy it,
The Bi-Metal leaf is an integral part of the electric circuit, tf it becomesnecessary to touch the leaf for any _eason,
turn off the power to the dishwasher Although the Bi-Metal is a tow voltage component, it is possible to have a
120 volt potential from _he Bi-Metal to ground when the Bi-Metai circuit is open
14 15
No, Description
1, Bi-Metal Trigger
2 Screw
3 Screw
4 Cam
5 Roll Pin-Cam
6o Spring-Cam
7 Spring-Cam-Compression
8 Nut
9 Bracket-Actuator
10 Washer
11 Bushing
12 "0" Ring
13 Shaft
14. Cup- Detergent
15, Cover-Cup
16 "0" Ring