
Wetting agent liquid
won't eject.
Wetting agent
dispenser leak
(Bi_netal release
1, Wettingagentcupribs not against
door liner.
2. Coil spring or "C'" clip broken.
(Solenoid type,)
3, Solenoid defective.
4o Bi-metal release defective.,
1.r Overfillingo
2. Bottle cracked,
3. Defective seal on stopper,
4. Dishwasher not level.
I, Same as in No. 1 in previous
1. Follow instructions in the Owner's
2_ Replace,,
3. Replace stopper.
4. Level dishwasher.
Water Leaks
The source of a water leakissometimes very d!fficult to locate° Before operatingthe dishwasher or attempting any repair,
disconnect the dishwasher from the electrical power source. Take off the door and accesspanel and look for water
"tracks°" Be sure to checkall the "tracks" and inspectthe area which you suspect to be the sourceof the leak. Make
certain you trace the water tracks back to its origin.After making the repair, wipe away all water "tracks" and test
the machine again to verify your diagnosis and correction.
Identification of wherethe leak is located and what is causingthe leak is the most difficult part of the problem. In some
cases, there may be more than one source for the leak.
if the leak cannot be located, make the following routine checks.
1. Checkspray arm -. makesurethere isno opening anywhere along the crimpedseamand/or the spray arm is not binding
on the pump housing. Be sure the sprayarm nut is installed correctly.
2. Tighten all screws and bolts in interior of tub.
CAUTION: Excessive tightening may crack porcelain.
3. Tighten water inlet port nut.
zL Check gasket for cuts or wrinkles.. Gasket shouldfit snuglyagainst all sidesof the tub_ Pay particular attention to
the lower corners.
5. Checkal{ hoseconnections.
6. Checkwater temperature. Follow the detergent manufacturers temperature recommendation. Water that is too coo!
may causesudsing. '
7. Check detergent. (Must be fresh and must be for Dishwasher use only.)
8. Do not pre-rinse with regular dishwashing soap°
9. Follow loading instructions in owner's manual.
Following the proceduresoutlined in points 1 through 9 should eliminate the source of the leak.