
5 Remove blower housing assembly _rom under tub
6 Re-install with new gasket
Heating Elements
A Heating Element
The heating element is used to maintain hot water for washing and rinsing operations in some models and to provide
a source of heat for drying the dishes.
A helical,strand of resistance wire is encasedin a sheath with magnesium oxide tightly packed between the wire and
the sheaf:for electrical insulation Heat is generated in the resistance wire when 120 volts AC is applied to it, The
heat is then transmitted through the magnesium oxide and through the sheath to the water or air surrounding it,
See Figure 9'3 for a cut-away view of the heater,
The direct causesfor the element,to malfunction are,
l, interruption of the electrical circuit to the heating element,,
2, The helical resistance wire becomes burned or broken
3, The helical resistance wire short-circuits to the sheath due to breakdown of the magnesium oxide