Your dealer can activate a variety of transceiver functions to perform without any
additional operation on your part.
Time-ouT Timer (ToT)
The Time-out Timer is used to prevent you from using a channel for an extended
duration. If you continuously transmit for a preset time, the transceiver will stop
transmitting and an alert tone will sound. Release the microphone PTT switch.
SignAl STrengTh indicATor
The signal strength indicator displays the strength of received calls.
Strong Sufficient Weak Very weak
No icon appears when no signal is available
If programmed by your dealer for a channel, the compander will remove
excessive noise from transmitted signals, to provide higher clarity of signals.
buSy chAnnel lockouT (bcl)
If BCL is set up by your dealer, you will be unable to transmit if the channel is
already in use. Use a different channel or wait until the channel becomes free.
If BCL Override has been programmed, you can transmit over the current signal:
1 Press and hold the microphone PTT switch.
• If the channel is already in use, a warning tone will sound.
2 Quickly release and then press the PTT switch again.
3 Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal call.
pTT id
PTT ID is the transceiver unique ID code which is sent each time the microphone
PTT switch is pressed and/or released.
Note: PTT ID can be made only in analog operation.