The remote control unit provided with this unit can be used
to control the components as a system by utilizing a com-
mercially available infrared control unit or wired control
By installing the IR RECEIVER and speakers in an other room,
the system in another room can be remote controlled,
To control the desired components from another room, set
the remote control unit to the Room B control mode.
v_q-2oecI/VR-_OaOiKRF-VBB81D/KF_F V777 ! 0 {En/K') "_
To remote control the components in your AV room asa system,
make preparations such as the operations described in "Install-
ing the remote control transceiver", "Making connections to
another room (Room B)" and "Setup for multi-room operation".
the remote control transceiver
The fot owing connections (,_:) are only available for VR-2090 sold in the U,S.A. and Canada,
Connect the remote control transceiver, sensor
and controller as shown in the illustration.
]R RECEIVER : (Optional, to be released in future)
These input and output let you connect an external IR receiver
to enable remote control of this unit even if it is located in a
cabinet or behind glass doors (etc). The external tR receiver
works the same as the IR receiver tocated on the front of this
unit. This input ((f}) is compatible witt) Xantech 291-80, 480-30
or 49030. Xantech 29t-80, 480-30 or 490-30 are for use of tR
RECEIVER IN ((_) (RC sensor) only.
IR REPEATER OUT (_) : (Optional)
These outputs let you connect JR repeaters to control compo-
nents located in cabinets or behind glass doors (etc.) The
repeaters send out signals corresponding to those of the
remote control supplied with the respective equJpmenL These
outputs are compatibJe with Xantech 282-00, 286-00 or 283-00
The IR REPEATER OUT terminals may
only used when an external IR re-
ceiver is connectedto the IR RECEIVER
IN terminal.
Another maker's codes
Source compoeents
(excep_ for models
connected with
systemcont_ol cordsl
RELAY CONTROL (4_): (Optional)
This output is designed to operate exter-
nal devices and is compatible with the
Xantech 599-00 Pulse Switching Module.
Do not exceed maximum current by co_
necdng multiple 599-00 modules, Please
consult the nstruction manual of theex
ternal device for compatibility and installa-
tion instructions before attempting con-
nections to your new receiver. Improper
installation, or connection of non-compat-
ibre equipment, may damage this control
output. Please consult the dealer where
the external equipment was purchased or
a competent installation speciaJist fo_ more
TV ON/OFF SENSOR (_): (Optional)
This sensing is used in the "Perfect Macro"
fuature to tell the rv ON/OFF,
This input is compatible with JDS: PSSTV
or NILES: LS-1, APC2