VR-2OgO/VR-2QaOiKRFN8881OiKR_V7771D fEn!K_
This receiver incorporates 5 different sound modes to let you enjoy surround sound with a wide variety of program sources.
The Dolby Digital (AC-3) and Dolby Pro Logic surround modes let you enjoy theater-like surround effects when you play Dolby
Digital (AC-3) and Dolby Surround program sources (like videotapes, LaserDiscs and DVDs). The Dolby 3 Stereo mode creates
a panoramic frontal sound field. The DSP (Digital Signal Processing) mode lets you create a variety of different sonic
environments from PCM as well as analog sources.
To obtain the best possible surround sound, be sure to complete "Setup for surround play" before using the surround modes.
The DTS multi channe audio format is avaifabte on CD, _D and DVD software
DTS is a strict,i d gital format and can not be decoded nside mos[ CD, LD or
DVD players. For this reason, f you attempt to listen to DTS encoded software
through the analog output of you_ new CD, LD or DVD player, you wil
experience digital noise n most cases This no_ee can be quite loud if the
analog output is connected direcdy to a high power amplification system
Proper measures for paying the d gital output as described betow she _ld be
taken to avoid this situation. To enioy DTS Digital Surround playback, an
external 5 I channel DTS Digital Surround decoder system or an amplifier with
a built-in DTS Digital Surround decoder must be connected to the digJtal
output (SiP DIF, AES/EBU or TosLink) of a DD, LD ot" DVD player.
__ Ce_;ter speaker
\/ \\ Subwoofer (LFE)*
V Surround speaker
Optional in this mode.
* LFE = Low Frequency Effects. This chen_el del}vers
separate non-directional bass signals to the subwoofer
for more dynamic deep bass sound effects.
DTS has a .1 or LFE channel.
-0o ita/(AC-3)
The Dolby Digital (AC3) surround format lets you enioy up to 5.1 channels of
digital surround sound from Dolby Digital (AC 3) program sources (SuCh as
Laserdisc software markedL_3,_ ). Compared with previous Dolby sur-
round, Dotby Digital (AC-3) provides even better sound qual ty, greater spatial
accuracy, and improved dynam]c range.
Although a ful set of speakers (front left and right, center, Surround lef[ and
right, and a subwoofer) is requked for true 5.1 channel Dolby Digital (AC-3)
surround sound, this receiver lets you enjoy Dolby Digital (AC-3) (and Dolby
Pro Logic) program sources, even f you connect onIy the front speakers.
//t Center speake_ l_
I/\ o ts0e ke \
_ Surround speaker (stereo s gnal) _\\
* Optional in this mode.
* LFE = Low Frequency Effects. This channel delivers
separate non-directional bass signals to the subwoofer
for more dynamic deep bass sound effects.
Dolby Digital is the only Dolby method to have an LFE
Dolby Pro Logic
Dolby Pro Logic is a specially encoded 2 channel
surround format designed to provide theaterq ke sur
round sound from Dotby Surround encoded sources
{such as video and Laserdisc software marked
r',r]F_u_r su_mour,m I). This receiver is equipped with a
Doby Pro Logic surround decoder to let you enjoy the
wide variety of currently available Dolby Surround
home video software.
In case center speaker is not used
"__\\[ Subw°°fer* _1 L /_,\ Front Speaker
iX _:ront Speaker V SL_rround speaker "
Surround speaker _\_
" Optional in this mode