CConec the system control .......... :9
Connecting system control cords after connecting a KENWOOD audio component system lets you take advantage of
convenient system control operations.
There are two KENWOOD system control modes. Make connections according to the groups of terminal symbols shown
[_] Mode :lets you corrlbine [_. _(_8]. and _ termina s
1"_1]El Mode : for [__]E_] terminals only
This unt is compatible with both [X58} and ISL161 modes. It comes from the factory set to the [SL16] mode To switch to the [XS81 mode, fellow
the instructions in "SWITCHING FROM [SL161 TO [XS8]" below.
EXAMPLE: [xsa] mode connections
The ucderlff_ed pertloll represe_Tts the sett ng ot _hesystem contlel mede
EXAMPLE: [XS16] mode connections
The ul_dedined porgon represents the setling of the syslem Control mode
[SL16] [xsa] ]Receiver ] [SL16] [xsa] [Receiver !
[SL16] IDVD player SYSTEM [SL161 DVD player
[SL16] ]MD recorder CONTROL , _ cCO__TROL
cord [SL16] I MD recorder _! SYSTEM
[SL16] [XS] [X$8] [XR] [Cassette deck j] [LS_] [XS, [XSa] ,XR, _is_ J.]
1..cord.,ayeri] [.ecordp,ayer1
• In order to take advantage of the system control operations, the components must be connected to the correct jacks To use a CD player it must
be connected to the CD jacks. To use a cassette deck (or M D reco_derI it must be connected to the TAPE 1!MD jacks When using more than one
CD player (etc.) only the one connected to the specified iacks may be connected for system control.
• Some CD players and cassette decks are net compatible with the [SL16] system control mode. Be sure to use the [XS8] system control mode
when making system connections with equipment that is not ISL16] compatible.
m Some MD players are not system-control compatible The system control function is nOt aver able when a MD player e used by connecting tt
through a d gitaL input You cannot connect the system control cord to this kind of equipment.
1. ISL16} equipment cannot be combined with fXR]. [XS]. and IXS8] equipment for system operations. If your
equipment consists of this kind of combination, p_ease de not connect any system control cords. Even -witheut
system control cords, normat operations can be carried out without effecting performance.
2. Do not connect system control cords to any components other than those specified by KENWOOD it may
cause a maffunction and damage your equipment.
3= Be sure the system control plugs are inserted all the way in to the system control terminals.
Remote Control
Lets you operate this unit with the system remote supplied
with the receiver,
Automatic Operation (except [XR] equipment}
When you start playback from a source component, the input
selector on this unit switches to that component automati-
Synchronized Recording (except [XR] equipment)
Lets you synchronize recording with the start of playback
when recording from CD, MD or analog discs,
You can easty change the system control mode by adjust ng the
position of [he SYSTEM CONTROL switch on the rear panel
Do this operation after completing al! connections
For[SL16} SL16 XS8 Forl×Sal
• This operation wilt not effect items stored in the memory
• After switching the system controt mode. turn the power off and
then on once to confirm the new sett ng
Registering setup codes for KENWOOD audio components
* Once '_,ou finish makir_g the system connections, be sure to register _.he appropriate setup code for each component.
• If you own remote controllable KENWOOD audio components that are not compatible with system control <or cannot be combined with your
other system contro components), registering the setup code enables you to comtro! those components using the remote contlol supp ied
with this u nit (without con nectrng system control cordsI To reg4ster setup codes for your remote controllable KEI'4WOO D audio components.
see "Setup for controlling AV components"