77: Exct–Phaser (Exciter – Phaser).................. 143
78: Exct–M.Dly (Exciter – Multitap Delay) ... 143
79: OD/HG–AmpSim
(Overdrive/Hi.Gain – Amp Simulation)
.... 144
80: OD/HG–Cho/Fl
(Overdrive/Hi.Gain – Chorus/Flanger)
.... 144
81: OD/HG–Phaser
(Overdrive/Hi.Gain – Phaser).................. 145
82: OD/HG–M.Dly
(Overdrive/Hi.Gain – Multitap Delay)... 145
83: Wah–AmpSim
(Wah/Auto Wah – Amp Simulation)......146
84: Deci–AmpSim
(Decimator – Amp Simulation)................. 146
85: Deci–Comp
(Decimator – Compressor) ........................ 146
86: AmpSim–Trml
(Amp Simulation – Tremolo).................... 147
87: Cho/Fl–M.Dly
(Chorus/Flanger – Multitap Delay)......... 147
88: Phasr–Cho/Fl
(Phaser – Chorus/Flanger)........................ 148
89: Reverb–Gate ................................................ 148
Master EQ .............................................. 149
Master EQ .......................................................... 149
7. Appendices ............................ 151
Alternate Modulation Source (AMS)
........ 151
About Alternate Modulation...........................151
About Alternate Modulation Sources ............151
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) List
Alternate Modulation settings.........................154
The effect of alternate modulation on various
parameters, and example applications.....154
Dynamic Modulation Source (Dmod)
....... 157
Dynamic Modulation Source List ...................158
About the BPM/MIDI SYNC function...........160
SW1/2 Assign ................................ 161
SW1, SW2 Assign List.......................................161
Knob 1...4 B Assign ............................... 162
Realtime Control Knobs B Assign List...........162
Foot Switch Assign ............................... 164
Foot Switch Assign List....................................164
Foot Pedal Assign ................................. 165
Foot Pedal Assign List ......................................165
MIDI transmission when the X50/microX’s
controllers are operated ...................... 166
X50/microX operations when control
changes are transmitted/received...... 168
MIDI applications.................................. 171
Messages transmitted and received by this
Various messages................................. 180
IMPLEMENTATION................................ 181
Index...................................................... 184
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