MULTI 5: Key Zone
Here you can specify the range of keys that will be sounded
by each track.
Top/Bottom Key settings specify the range of notes that will
be sounded by tracks 1–8, 9–16, and Top/Bottom Slope set-
tings specify the range from the top/bottom key until the
original volume is reached.
This setting does not affect MIDI transmission. All note
data produced by the arpeggiator will be transmitted.
5–1: Key..8 (Key Zone T01–08)
5–2: Key..16 (Key Zone T09–16)
5–1(2)a: Key Zone Map (1)
This shows the range of note data that will sound the cur-
rently selected track. The note range that will be sounded is
shown as a line, and the slope portion is grayed.
5–1(2)b: Top Key, Bottom Key
Top Key [C–1...G9]
Specifies the top key (upper limit) that will be sounded by
each track 1–8, 9–16.
Bottom Key [C–1...G9]
Specifies the bottom key (lower limit) that will be sounded
by each track 1–8, 9–16.
For a diagram of Key and Slope parameters, refer to
“COMBI 5: Ed–Key Zone.”
X50: The value of these parameters can also be set by hold-
ing down the [ENTER] button and playing a note on a con-
nected MIDI instrument.
■ 5–1(2): UTILITY
☞“Write Multi,” “Copy From Combi” (0–1)
5–3: Slp..8 (Key Slope T01–08)
5–4: Slp..16 (Key Slope T09–16)
5–3(4)a: Top Slope, Bottom Slope
Top Slope [00...72]
Specifies the key range (12 is one octave) from the top key of
track 1–8, 9–16 until the original volume is reached.
Bottom Slope [00...72]
Specifies the key range (12 is one octave) from the bottom
key of track 1–8, 9–16 until the original volume is reached.
■ 5–3(4): UTILITY
☞“Write Multi,” “Copy From Combi” (0–1)
5–5: Review
5–5a: Key Zone Map (All)
This shows the range of note data that will be sounded by
tracks 1–16. The note range that will be sounded is shown as
a line, and the slope portion is grayed.
■ 5–5: UTILITY
☞“Write Multi,” “Copy From Combi” (0–1)