GLOBAL 2: User Scale
Here you can create sixteen User Octave Scales and one User
All Notes Scale. The user scales you create here can be
selected in the PROG 1–1, COMBI 2–4, MULTI 2–7(8).
If you wish to keep an edited user scale after the power
is turned off, be sure to write (save) your settings.
This data is written by the Utility “Write Global Set-
2–1: Octave
2–1a: User Octave Scale
User Octave [00...15]
Select the user octave scale that you wish to edit.
Tune [–99…+99]
Specifies the scale for one octave of notes.
When you adjust the pitch of each note in the octave (C–B)
in one-cent steps, your settings will be applied to all octaves.
This adjustment is relative to equal temperament.
A setting of –99 lowers the pitch approximately a semitone
below normal pitch.
A setting of +99 raises the pitch approximately a semitone
above normal pitch.
Use the ClickPoint [√][®] to select the note whose pitch
you want to change.
X50: The note can also be selected by holding down the
[ENTER] button and playing a note on the keyboard.
■ 2–1: UTILITY
☞“Write Global Setting” (0–1)
For details on how to select the desired utility function, refer
to “PROG 0–1: UTILITY.”
Copy Scale
This command copies a preset scale or user scale to the user
scale that you wish to edit. For details on the preset scales,
refer to “Type” (PROG 1–1c).
1 Select “Copy Scale” to access the dialog box.
2 Select the copy source scale (“From”).
If you select Pure Major or Pure Minor, you must also
specify the “Key” selection located at the right.
Stretch can be selected only if “To” is the User All Notes
3 Select the copy destination scale (“To”).
4 To execute the Copy Scale command press the [MENU/
OK] button. To cancel, press the [EXIT/CANCEL] but-
2–2: All Notes
2–2a: User All Notes Scale
Tune [–99…+99]
Here, you can make independent pitch settings for each of
the 128 notes.
Adjust the pitch of each of the 128 notes (C–1 – G9) in one-
cent steps. This adjustment is relative to equal temperament.
A setting of –99 lowers the pitch approximately a semitone
below normal pitch.
A setting of +99 raises the pitch approximately a semitone
above normal pitch.
In the case of the “User All Notes Scale,” you can select
Stretch in the Utility menu command “Copy Scale” (2–1b).
Use the ClickPoint [√], [®] to select the note that you wish
to set.
X50: You can also select the note by holding down the
[ENTER] button and playing a note on the keyboard.
Key Select [C–1...G9]
This indicates the location of the key displayed in “Tune.”
You can use the ClickPoint [π][†] to select a key graphic,
and use [√][®] to move it in one-octave units.
■ 2–2: UTILITY
☞“Write Global Setting” (0–1), “Copy Scale” (2–1)
Indicates that there
are keys to the left.
Indicates that there
are keys to the right.
Key Select