
16: VIP Settings
EDS User Guide 149
Virtual IP (VIP) Counters
To view EDS VIP settings:
1. Select VIP > Counters from the main menu. The VIP Counters page displays.
Figure 16-2 VIP Counters
Table 16-3 VIP Counters
Virtual IP (VIP) Configuration
To configure the EDS VIP settings:
1. Select VIP >Configuration from the main menu. The VIP Configuration page displays.
Figure 16-4 VIP Configuration Page
2. Click Enabled/Disabled to use/turn off VIP addresses in Tunnel Accept Mode and Tunnel
Connect Mode. The default is disabled.
3. Click Submit save a changed state.
VIP Counters Description
Data Bytes Total bytes in the TCP packets (not the UDP packets)
UDP Packet Queue The number of packets queued for transmission.
UDP Packets The number of packets transmitted.
Note: UDP counts are packet based, and do not record the
number of data bytes.