
12: Security Settings
EDS User Guide 99
Figure 12-7 SSH Server: Authorized Users
2. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 12-8 SSH Server Authorized User Settings
3. Click Submit.
Note: When uploading the security keys, ensure the keys are not compromised in
SSH Server:
Authorized Users
Username Enter the name of the user authorized to access the SSH server.
Password Enter the password associated with the username.
Public RSA Key Enter the path and name of the existing public RSA key you want
to use with this user or use the Browse button to select the key. If
authentication is successful with the key, no password is required.
Public DSA Key Enter the path and name of the existing public DSA key you want
to use with this user or use the Browse button to select the key. If
authentication is successful with the key, no password is required.