9: Line and Tunnel Settings
EDS User Guide 71
Tunnel – Disconnect Mode
Relates to the disconnection of a specific tunnel. Disconnect Mode ends Accept Mode and
Connect Mode connections. When disconnecting, the EDS shuts down the specific tunnel
connection gracefully.
The following settings end a specific tunnel connection:
The EDS receives the stop character.
The timeout period has elapsed and no activity is going in or out of the EDS. Both Accept
Mode and Connect Mode must be idle for the time frame.
The EDS observes the modem control inactive setting.
Note: To clear data out of the serial buffers upon a disconnect, enable “Flush Serial Data”.
To configure the Disconnect Mode for a specific tunnel:
1. Select Tunnel on the menu bar, if you are not already in the Tunnel web page.
2. Select a tunnel number at the top of the page.
3. Select Disconnect Mode. The specific tunnel Disconnect Mode page appears.
Figure 9-18 Tunnel 1 Disconnect Mode
4. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 9-19 Tunnel Disconnect Mode
Tunnel – Disconnect
Mode Settings
Stop Character Enter the stop character in ASCII, hexadecimal, or decimal notation.
Select <None> to disable.
Modem Control Select Enabled to disconnect when the modem control pin is not
asserted on the serial line.
Timeout Enter a time, in milliseconds, for the device to disconnect on a Timeout.
The value 0 (zero) disables the idle timeout.
Flush Serial Data Select Enabled to flush the serial data buffer on a disconnection.