PCM 80 User Guide
2.4 Split C&E ADJUST: InputPan 0–100
The left input is processed into a lush 3-voice chorus with the voice panners adjusted from
center to left. The right input is processed into a rhythmic 3-voice echo with the output
panned from center to right. ADJUST cross-pans the inputs. 0 = left/right stereo,
50 = mono, 100 = right/left stereo.
2.5 Env:PanKorus ADJUST: Chorus 0–127
The AR Envelope drives the speed of the pan based on the presence or absence of input
signal. ADJUST varies the chorus amount.
2.6 6 Vox Flange ADJUST: MstrDepth 0–100
A rich stereo flanger with a touch of reverb. ADJUST controls the flange depth.
2.7 Mod Max ADJUST: Mod Knob 0–50
Multiple parameters all being modulated together. With a stereo input the LFO drives the
input pans to each delay and reverb processor. A definite "twist your head off" effect.
ADJUST controls several aspects of the modulation.
2.8 PreciseGlide ADJUST: Resonance 0–100
A very clean stereo gliding delay and reverb. ADJUST controls the resonance of the glide.
Soft Row includes master delay and feedback parameters so you can add stereo echoes
to the effect.
2.9 Round 147 ADJUST: RotorRate 0–20
Big wooden rotary speaker cabinet miked fairly close. ADJUST sets the speed of the
rotors. FX Mix is available in the soft row to control the amount of reverb relative to the
total effect output.
3.0 FSw2 Rotary ADJUST: Width 0–100
A dual-rotor speaker cabinet with a very wide stereo spin and a touch of ambience. Use
ADJUST to control the width and direction of the spinning rotors. 0= very wide left-to-right,
64 = mono, 127 = very wide right-to-left. Foot Switch 2 is patched to the Latch to toggle
between slow and fast speeds. The AR envelope is used to simulate the inertial drag as
the rotors speed up or slow down.
3.1 RotorCabinet ADJUST: Slow/Fast 0–1
Similar to FSw2 Rotor, but ADJUST is used to toggle the speed of the rotors between slow
and fast. Soft Row parameters include FX Width which sets the width and direction of the
3.2 MIDI Rotary ADJUST: EkoFbk 0–100
Similar to FSw2 Rotor, but with echoes added and the rotors patched up for MIDI control.
MIDI After Touch toggles speed. Press hard to spin fast, press hard again to spin slow.
ADJUST controls the amount of echo feedback. Use Tap to synchronize the echoes with
rhythmic material.
3.3 Tiled Rotary ADJUST: Slow/Fast 0–1
The RotorCabinet effect in a tiled room. Try it with background vocals, as well as the usual
keyboard and guitar sources. ADJUST toggles the spin rates between slow and fast.
3.4 RotoWood ADJUST: Speed 0–10
ADJUST quickly advances the speed of the rotors. Increase the Feedback Master for
more upper rotor “howling”.
3.5 RandomImages ADJUST: ImageKnob 0–127
This effect works best with solo instruments or voices. Individual input notes come out at
random locations in the stereo image. ADJUST varies delay time, adds chorusing, and
turns up the level of tempo related echoes. Delays "creep" slowly out to new time values.
Modulation Effects
(P0 2.0 – P0 3.5) cont'd.