Basic Operation
Pgm+ and Pgm –, are available as subparameters in each location. Pgm+ will
load the next higher effect in the current bank, map , or chain. Pgm – will load
the next lower effect. You can select the following sources to activate Pgm+ and
Pgm –:
Footswitch 1
Footswitch 2
MIDI Controller #119
Program Change messages 0—49 correspond to PCM 80 Effects 0.0 —4.9 in
the current bank. Program Change messages 50—127 are ignored. The current
bank can be changed with MIDI Bank Select Messages as follows:
0–3: Program Banks 0–3
4: Internal Register Bank
5–9: reserved
10–56: Memory Card Banks. The number of banks available on a given
card will vary with its size, as follows:
Card Size # Banks
64 2
256 11
512 23
1 Meg 47
All Program Change and Bank select messages are ignored.
Program Change 0-127 can be mapped to any PCM 80 effect in any internal or
card bank. Two 128 element maps are stored internally, additional maps may be
stored on RAM cards. Once you have selected Map, press Load/✱ to display:
Turn ADJUST to select the desired Program Chain. When set to MIDI, Program
Chains will be loaded by MIDI Program Change messages according to the
settings of Chain Pgm Assign in Row 6.
MIDI Pgm Change
3.3 ✱MapSelect 0
Turn ADJUST to select the desired Program Change Map.
Any Program Change number can be selected to load any one of ten customized
effect “chains". Additional chains can be stored on RAM cards. Once a chain is
loaded, effects in the chain are accessed by the controller patched to Pgm + and
Pgm – (program increment and program decrement). Once you have selected
Chain, press Load/✱ to display:
MIDI Pgm Change
3.3 ✱Chain MIDI