
The Presets
3.6 Dyna Vibrato ADJUST: Glide 0–127
Input level triggers a delayed vibrato. The vibrato is created by modulating two pairs of
gliding delays. ADJUST controls the offset between the delay pairs. Use it to thicken up
the effect. You’ll find parameters to change the modulation depth and add reverb in the
Soft Row. A nice effect to sweeten up acoustic guitar, dry sampler or synth tracks, etc.
3.7 VibroVerb ADJUST: V-Depth 0–127
In this effect, the reverb is processed to produce a vibrato that wanders slowly between
two rates. ADJUST sets the depth of the vibrato. 0 = none, 127 = maximum. Low settings
of ADJUST work nicely to open up the space around backing tracks. Higher settings can
be used to add character to dry synthesizer tones, guitar and piano. Check out the Soft
Row for parameters that you use to change the overall sound of the reverb.
3.8 SweepVerb ADJUST: GldResp 0–100
The left and right reverb outputs are detuned in opposite directions by the AR, which is
triggered by input level. ADJUST controls the amount of detune. To open up the space
around percussive sources, use very low settings of ADJUST. Higher settings will
produce radical pitch swoops in the reverb. The Soft Row contains several useful reverb
3.9 EnveloVerb ADJUST: Rt HC 0–40
Great on sustained and slowly fading sound sources. The AR generator controls the
Reverb output as well as the Reverb time. ADJUST controls the high frequency response
of the reverb tail.
4.0 Super Ball! ADJUST: Bounce It 0–1
This preset will let you turn any source into a bouncing ball. Run a track or instrument, click
ADJUST to 1 and back to 0 and sit back. The effect captures a stereo sample on the fly,
loops it and decreases the loop size as it repeats. (Reverb is added while the loop plays.)
When the loop size gets to zero, the effect resets and starts sampling the inputs again.
The loop size is tempo controlled. Press Tap to synchronize it with rhythmic material.
4.1 LevlStutter ADJUST: Mstr Fbk 0-100
Delays are driven by input level (high level = shorter delays). The delays are also driven
by tempo. Works best for deconstructing dialog, but is also interesting with any audio with
lots of holes.
4.2 Freeze 2 of 8 ADJUST: Feedback 0–100
This stereo preset automatically freezes 2 beats out of every 8. Press Tap to synchronize
the effect with the source material. ADJUST lets you set the feedback level when the loop
is off. Be sure to try this one with a dance mix, or MIDI drum patterns.
4.3 Freeze 2over3 ADJUST: Feedback 0–100
A slightly more diabolical version of Freeze 2 of 8. This preset also loops 2 out of every
8 beats, but the left and right delays are set to different rhythmic values. The result is a
2 against 3 pattern that alternates between the left and right channels. ADJUST sets the
feedback for both delays while the loop is off.
4.4 Freeze&Speed ADJUST: Freeze It 0–1
This preset allows you to grab and freeze portions of the source material on the fly. Click
ADJUST from 0 to 1 to freeze the loop. It will repeat infinitely, but will grow more diffused
as it repeats. Click ADJUST back to 0 to turn the loop off. The loop will speed up for a short
time before turning off. The AR Release parameter (found in the Soft Row with other
goodies) sets the speed-up time. The loop size is tempo controlled. You can change it on
the fly by pressing Tap while the loop is off.
Processed Reverb Effects
(P3 2.9 – P3 3.9) cont'd.
Remix Effects
(P3 4.0 – P3 4.9)