If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
<0.96;0<9;BA5<?6G216291&2?C602.0696AF for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
If all recommended possible areas
of possible cause have been
checked and the problem persists,
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Machine has maximum weld out-
put and no control.
VRD passes self test and green
light is on, but machine will not
1. LOCAL/REMOTE Switch (S3)
in wrong position.
2. LOCAL/REMOTE Switch (S3)
is faulty, or an open lead going
to the LOCAL/REMOTE Switch
1. Too much cable inductance.
• Uncoil output cables, shorten
cable length, or wrap work and
electrode cables together.
2. Too much cable.
• Maximum cable length (work
and electrode) is approximately
300 feet.
3. Buildup on stick electrode.
Clean or replace electrode.
4. Possible shorted bridge rectifier,
if pilot light is off.
5. Fault detected after self test.
Cycle power to reset machine.
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