If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
<0.96;0<9;BA5<?6G216291&2?C602.0696AF for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
If all recommended possible areas
of possible cause have been
checked and the problem persists,
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Machine has minimum output and
no control.
The machine does not have maxi-
mum weld output.
1. If a remote control unit is NOT
connected to the terminal strip
#75, #76, and #77 terminals, or is
not connected to the 14 pin MS
receptacle the LOCAL/REMOTE
SWITCH must be in the "Local"
2. If a remote control cable is con-
nected to terminals #75, #76 and
#77 or is connected to the 14 pin
MS receptacle the leads may be
"shorted" to the positive weld out-
3. Make certain the Three Phase
input voltage is correct and
matches the machine rating and
the reconnect panel.
1. Check all Three-Phase input
lines at the DC600. Make sure
input voltages match machine
rating and reconnect panel.
(SW3) in "LOCAL" position. If
problem is solved then check
remote control unit or wire
3. Check for loose welding cable
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