If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
<0.96;0<9;BA5<?6G216291&2?C602.0696AF for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
If all recommended possible areas
of possible cause have been
checked and the problem persists,
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The weld output terminals are
always electrically "hot".
1. Remove any external leads
hooked to #2 and #4 on the ter-
minal strip or any connections
to the 14 pin MS connector.
switch to the OFF position. If
the problem disappears the
fault is in the control cable or
wire feeder.
2. If some open circuit voltage is
present (over 3VDC.) after per-
forming Step #1. then the prob-
lem is within the IDEALARC®
DC-600 VRD.
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