11.4 Communicator Tab
The Communicator tab displays fi ll-in fi elds for setting information
regarding the Console’s communication method and options for PSTN
and IP reporting.
Communicator Fallback
The Console’s communicator can report to the Central Station through
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) or through Cellular IP
reporting (if the UMTS-3G optional module installed).
✓ NOTE: The PERS-4200 can report to a Central Station over phone
service provided by a Managed Facilities-based Voice Network (MFVN)
carriers via the RJ11 phone jack, per NFPA 72 2010, section 3.3.141.
The communicator fallback option selects the reporting path the Console
will use. Option boxes are grayed out for the reporting path that is not
The default is for dial-up PSTN reporting only. Select the option that is
supported by the Central Station. Two options are available:
• PSTN reporting only
• Cellular IP reporting only
When the communicator fallback option is selected, the 2-way audio
setting will automatically adjust for the reporting method chosen (PSTN
or IP reporting).
PSTN Dialing Sequence
The Console will make multiple attempts to make a connection with the
Central Station. Each telephone number can be called up to 25 times.
The communicator performs this dialing sequence to make a connection:
1. Call the primary telephone number to attempt to make a connection.
If no handshake tone is detected from the Central Station, retry the
primary telephone number up to fi ve consecutive times.
2. Call the secondary telephone number (if a secondary telephone
number is used) to attempt to make a connection. If no handshake
tone is detected from the Central Station, retry the secondary
telephone number up to fi ve consecutive times.
3. Stop dialing and wait four minutes.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 up to fi ve times.
After all dialing attempts, if a connection to the Central Station is not
made, the sequence repeats using the backup reporting path.
When all retries are exhausted, the report buffer and Console indications
are reset to normal; annunciations will cease and trouble memory and
latched zones will return to normal. New events will cause a new attempt
to contact the Central Station.
RA4200 Communicator Tab