1. Product Description
The PERS-4200 Console is a UL Listed supervised wireless emergency
reporting product designed for personal emergency reporting
applications. The table-top Console provides “pushbutton” emergency
assistance to anyone who desires additional security and peace of mind.
The Console receives signals from up to 16 Linear wireless transmitters
(called “sensors”). Activating a transmitter causes the Console’s digital
communicator to send the appropriate alarm report to the central
monitoring station via a standard land-line telephone connection or
through the optional cellular wireless communications module. In addition
to the Central Station report, voice prompts sound from the Console and
multi-color indicator rings around the Console’s buttons display status.
The emergency alarm can be triggered by the HELP button on the
Console or with a wireless transmitter. The fi re alarm can be triggered
by wireless smoke detectors, and gas alerts can be triggered by wireless
carbon monoxide detectors. Wireless transmitters can also be confi gured
as activity timer reset devices to verify activity at the subscriber’s location.
Voice Prompts
A built-in digital voice synthesizer can speak voice prompts in English, or
Spanish to guide the user during operation, and guide the installer during
✓ NOTE: Check the Linear Web site for Console fi rmware upgrades that
may support additional languages.
Language specifi c Console button labels are supplied for alternate
language use. For the visually impaired, a braille label is also supplied to
identify the Console’s buttons.
Power Supply
Powered by a low voltage plug-in power supply, the Console includes
a rechargeable backup battery for operation during AC power outages.
The Console must be confi gured before use. Linear’s RA4200 software
confi gures the Console remotely through the standard telephone line, or
locally through the Console’s USB port, or through the optional cellular
module via the Linear Voice Gateway. In addition, limited programming
can be done remotely through the standard telephone line with a
touch-tone telephone.
PERS-4200 Console