15. Printing or Exporting a Template
For hardcopy records, an account template can be sent to a local printer
connected to the PC running the RA4200 Remote Access software.
The PRINT / PREVIEW tool also allows exporting an account template to
an Excel .XLS fi le or an Adobe .PDF fi le.
Use the following steps to print out or export an account template:
1. Open an account template in the RA4200 software. (Only one
template can be open at a time.)
2. From the FILE menu select PRINT / PREVIEW or on the toolbar, click
the PRINT icon.
3. The Account Information print preview window will be displayed. The
preview shows the account template contents detailed on separate
pages. The page that’s currently displayed and the zoom level can be
selected using the page navigation icons in the window.
4. To print the account template,7 select the printer icon. The Windows
print dialog box will appear, select any options, then click PRINT.
5. To export the account template, select the disc icon and choose Excel
or Acrobat (PDF) fi le. Choose the fi le destination and click SAVE.
Print Preview Window