Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router with VPN
Appendix B: Using the Linksys QuickVPN Software for Windows 2000 or XP
Appendix B: Using the Linksys QuickVPN Software for
Windows 2000 or XP
The Linksys Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router with VPN offers a free QuickVPN software program for computers
running Windows 2000 or XP. (Computers running other operating systems will have to use a third-party VPN
software program.) This guide describes how to install and use the Linksys QuickVPN software.
Before You Begin
The QuickVPN software program only works with a 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with VPN that is properly
configured to accept a QuickVPN connection. Follow these instructions for configuring the VPN client settings for
the Router:
1. Click the VPN tab.
2. Click the VPN Client Accounts tab.
3. Enter the username in the Username field.
4. Enter the password in the Password field, and enter it again in the Re-enter to confirm field.
5. Click the Add/Save button.
6. Click the Active checkbox for VPN Client No. 1.
Click the Save Settings button.
vpn (virtual private network): a security
measure to protect data as it leaves one
network and goes to another over the Internet.
software: instructions for the computer.
Figure B-1: VPN Client Accounts Screen