Chapter 6: Setting Up and Configuring the Router
Status Tab
Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router with VPN
VPN Clients
This screen displays the VPN Clients’ connection status. VPN Clients are configured under VPN->VPN Client
Accounts and provide users that are running Linksys QuickVPN to establish a IPsec connection with a remote
Wireless Router.
Username. Displays the username of the VPN Client.
Status. Displays the connection status of the VPN Client.
Start Time. Displays the start time of the most recent VPN session for the specified VPN Client.
End Time. Displays the end time of a VPN session, if the VPN Client has disconnected.
Duration. Displays the total connection time of the latest VPN session.
Refresh button. Updates the screen with the latest VPN Client information.
Disconnect button. Select the Disconnect box at the end of each row in the VPN Clients Table and then click the
Disconnect button to disconnect a VPN Client session.
This screen displays the IPsec VPN (gateway to gateway) connection status. IPsec VPN are configured under
VPN->IPsec VPN to establish a IPsec connection with a remote Linksys VPN Router.
Tunnel Name. Displays the Tunnel Name of the IPsec VPN connection.
Status. Displays the connection status of the VPN Client.
Action. Use the Connect and Disconnect button to manage your IPsec VPN connection.
Figure 6-74: Status - VPN Clients
Figure 6-75: Status - IPsec VPN