Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router with VPN
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Welcome 1
What’s in this Guide? 2
Chapter 2: Networking and Security Basics 4
An Introduction to LANs 4
The Use of IP Addresses 5
The Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) 7
Chapter 3: Planning Your Virtual Private Network (VPN) 9
Why do I need a VPN? 9
What is a VPN? 10
Chapter 4: Getting to Know the Router 12
The Front Panel 12
The Back Panels 14
Antennas and Positions 15
Chapter 5: Connecting the Router 16
Overview 16
Connection Instructions 17
Placement Options 18
Chapter 6: Setting Up and Configuring the Router 20
Overview 20
Basic Setup 20
How to Access the Web-based Utility 21
How to Navigate the Utility 21
Setup Tab 25
Wireless Tab 38
Firewall Tab 47
VPN Tab 58
QoS Tab 65
Administration Tab 67
IPS Tab 72
L2 Switch Tab 76
Status Tab 80
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 85