Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
Statistics Tab - RMON Alarm
24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch with Webview and PoE
Sample Type. Defines the sampling method for the selected variable and comparing the value against the
thresholds. The possible field values are:
• Absolute. Compares the values directly with the thresholds at the end of the sampling interval.
• Delta. Subtracts the last sampled value from the current value. The difference in the values is compared
to the threshold.
Startup Alarm. How the alarm is activated when the variable is compared to the thresholds. This can be set to
Rising, Falling, or Rising or Falling.
Rising Threshold. An alarm threshold for the sampled variable. If the current value is greater than or equal to the
threshold, and the last sample value was less than the threshold, then an alarm will be generated. (After a rising
event has been generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value has fallen below the
Rising Threshold and reaches the Falling Threshold.)
Falling Threshold. An alarm threshold for the sampled variable. If the current value is less than or equal to the
threshold, and the last sample value was greater than the threshold, then an alarm will be generated. (After a
falling event has been generated, another such event will not be generated until the sampled value has risen
above the Falling Threshold and reaches the Rising Threshold.)
Rising Event Index. Displays the mechanism in which the alarms are reported. The possible field values are:
• LOG. Indicates there is not a saving mechanism for either the device or in the management system. If the
device is not reset, the entry remains in the Log Table.
• TRAP. Indicates that an SNMP trap is generated, and sent via the Trap mechanism. The Trap can also be
saved using the Trap mechanism.
Both. Indicates that both the Log and Trap mechanism are used to report alarms.
Falling Event. The index of the Event that will be used if a falling alarm is triggered. If there is no corresponding
entry in the Event Control Table, or if this number is zero, then no event will be generated.Owner. The name of the
person who created this entry in the Control Table. (Maximum 127 characters)
Falling Event Index. Displays the mechanism in which the alarms are reported. The possible field values are:
• LOG. Indicates there is not a saving mechanism for either the device or in the management system. If the
device is not reset, the entry remains in the Log Table.
• TRAP. Indicates that a SNMP trap is generated, and sent via the Trap mechanism. The Trap can also be
saved using the Trap mechanism.