Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
Statistics Tab - Port Utilization
24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch with Webview and PoE
Statistics Tab - Port Utilization
The Port Utilization screen displays the amount of resources each interface is currently consuming. Ports in green
are functioning normally, while ports in red are currently transmitting an excessive amount of network traffic.
Click the View All Ports button to view all 24 ports on the screen.
Global Overloaded Setting.
Refresh Rate. Indicates the amount of time that passes before the port utilization statistics are refreshed. The
possible field values are:
• No Refresh. Indicates that the statistics are not refreshed.
• 15 Sec. Indicates that the statistics are refreshed every 15 seconds.
• 30 Sec. Indicates that the statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
• 60 Sec. Indicates that the statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.
Statistics Tab - 802.1x Statistics
The 802.1X Statistic screen contains information about EAP packets received on a specific port. To view the
statistics for a port, select the required interface from the drop-down menu and click Query.
Refresh Rate. Indicates the amount of time that passes before the EAP statistics are refreshed. The possible field
values are:
• No Refresh. Indicates that the EAP statistics are not refreshed.
• 15 Sec. Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 15 seconds.
• 30 Sec. Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
• 60 Sec. Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.
Interface. Indicates the port, which is polled for statistics.
Name. Displays the measured 802.1x statistic.
Description. Describes the measured 802.1x statistic.
Figure 5-23: Statistics - Port Utilization
Figure 5-24: Statistics - 802.1x Statistics