Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
Statistics Tab - RMON Events
24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch with Webview and PoE
• Both. Indicates that both the Log and Trap mechanism are used to report alarms.
Owner. Displays the device or user that defined the alarm.
The Add button adds the entry to the RMON Alarms Table.
Statistics Tab - RMON Events
The RMON Events screen contains fields for defining RMON events. An RMON Event determines the action to take
when an alarm is triggered. The response to an alarm can include logging the alarm or sending an SNMP trap
Event Setting
Event Description. Displays the user-defined event description.
Type. Describes the event type. Possible values are:
• None. Indicates that no event occurred.
• Log. Indicates that the event is a log entry.
• Trap. Indicates that the event is a trap.
• Log and Trap. Indicates that the event is both a log entry and a trap.
Community. Displays the community to which the event belongs.
Owner. Displays the device or user that defined the event. (Maximum 127 characters).
The Add button adds the configured RMON event to the Event Table at the bottom of the screen.
The Event Table area contains Index, Description, Type, Community, Last Time Sent, Owner.
To display each time an event was triggered by an alarm, first highlight an entry in the Event Control Table and
then click on the View Log Table button. The Log Table shows the log index number, the time of an event, and the
description of the event that activated the entry.
Figure 5-21: Statistics - RMON Events
Figure 5-22: Statistics - RMON Events - Log Table