any third party. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, You will
not Transfer the Products in connection with any commercial network
services or interactive cable or remote processing services;
c. You may not modify, port, adapt, translate, duplicate (except as ex-
pressly permitted in this License), disassemble, reverse engineer, reverse
compile, or create derivative works from the Products, or otherwise tend to
discover the underlying source code of the Products, for any purpose;
d. You shall not host or use, or allow any third party to host or use, the
Products as a service bureau or in any other manner that involves the
processing of data for any third party;
e. You shall not transfer the Products except in the event of a computer
malfunction, and then only on a temporary basis; and
f. You may use the Products only with the software and hardware pro-
vided by or on behalf of LEI, and not the software or hardware of any third
party, except that You may use the Products with a commercially available
operating system and personal computer where necessary to use any soft-
ware provided as part of the Products and then only on that first personal
computer on which the software is first used.
2. Software Maintenance. Except as expressly set forth in Section 5(a),
LEI shall have no obligation under this License to provide You mainte-
nance or support in any manner or to otherwise provide or support the con-
tinued operability of the Products.
3. Title. Except for the limited Customer License provided under Section
1, You do not, and shall not, acquire any right, title or interest in any Prod-
ucts, any derivative works thereof, or any copyrights or other intellectual
property rights therein, which shall at all times remain the exclusive prop-
erty of LEI. You shall not remove, suppress or modify in any way any pro-
prietary marking, including any trademark or copyright notice, on or in the
Products, or which is visible during their operation or which is on any me-
dia supplied with the Products. You shall incorporate such proprietary
markings in the back up or disaster recovery copy made of the Products.
4. Confidentiality. You acknowledge (i) that the Products are proprietary
to LEI; (ii) that such Products include trade secrets and confidential and
proprietary information of LEI; and (iii) that You are receiving the Products
in trust from LEI. You agree to use reasonable efforts to protect the confi-
dential or proprietary nature of the Products.
5. Warranties; Disclaimer of Liability; Limitation of Liability.
a. LEI warrants that any software provided by LEI as part of the Prod-
ucts (but excluding any data, maps, or other information) under this Li-
cense will substantially conform in all material respects with the documen-
tation delivered with the Products. Your remedies under this warranty will